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How To Freestyle Skateboard Tricks With Mike Osterman

Down from a challenge, once again, we were joined by World Champion Freestyle skateboarder, Mike Osterman, who is on a mission to pass down his freestyle skateboarding wisdom on to Aaron Kyro and the rest of the world. Mike took the time to better explain some of the freestyle tricks Aaron is working on and he also introduced us to a few more we haven’t seen yet! Are you looking to expand your bag of freestyle tricks? Well, you’re in the right place. Check the video below to see the masterclass from the champ himself, Mike Osterman. Does Aaron have what it takes to learn World Champion Freestyle Tricks, or will he get BODIED? Watch for yourself to find out! 

How to Flamingo

  1. Set your front foot up on the front bolts with a slight angle. Cover every bolt except a small portion of the front heel-side bolt 
  2. Swing your shoulders frontside into the trick
  3. With only your front foot on the board, use that foot to pivot off the front wheels in a 180-degree arc then pivot back

How to Coconut Wheelie

  1. Ride at a comfortable speed with your feet in the Coconut Wheelie position
  2. Press down with your front foot on the heel-side edge of the skateboard to force the board up onto its side
  3. Catch the wheels with your back foot to prevent the board from over-rotating into a primo-slide and get your front foot on the wheels to balance out the Coconut Wheelie
  4. Once you’re finished rolling, simply press down with both feet to flip the board back onto the wheels and roll away

How to Spacewalk 

  1. Set your feet up in the proper position to balance a manual
  2. Using your hips and shoulders, swing back and forth (like a tic-tac) while balancing the manual
  3. Apply pressure with the toes and heel of your back foot to control the spacewalk
  4. Continue this motion for as long as your balance will allow, then let your front wheels back onto the ground and roll away

How to Roll-o (Half Rail Flip) 

  1. Get into a toe-side rail stand, or begin the trick already set up in a toe-side rail stand
  2. Press down with your front foot to roll the board over into a heel-side rail stand
  3. Only use one foot to roll the board over to avoid having the board varial flip
  4. Land with both feet on the wheels in a heel-side rail stand

How to Rail to Rail (Rail Flip) 

  1. Get into a heel-side rail stand, or begin the trick already set up in a heel-side rail stand
  2. Keep your feet as close to wheels as possible to prevent the board from rotating like a shove it
  3. Push down and back with your back foot to flip the board
  4. Land back on the wheels in a heel-side rail stand

How to Pogo

  1. Start this trick stationary with your back foot pressing the tail on the ground and your front foot dangling in the air behind you
  2. Grab the nose of your board with your lead hand and pull the board up vertically
  3. Hop off with your back foot, and jam your front foot into the bottom truck
  4. Stabilize the board with both hands by grabbing the nose or front truck and keep your back foot off the board, dangling it behind you as a counter-balance
  5. Lift and hop with the board a few times
  6. Flip the board back over using your hands, jumping slightly to get your feet out of the way of the rotation
  7. Land on the bolts and roll away

How to 360 Finger Flip (Finger Tre Flip)

  1. Start this trick in a tail-stop position with your back foot on the tail and your front foot resting just above it, angled like a kickflip/360 flip
  2. Grab the nose with your back hand. Your thumb should be on the griptape with your fingers grabbing underneath the deck
  3. Pull the board across your body while pushing down with your thumb to throw the board into a tre flip
  4. Land on the bolts and roll away

We hope the video and our quick tips helped you land these World Champion Freestyle tricks. We’re always so fortunate to have Mike Osterman at the Braille house teaching us his ways, and we can’t wait for the next video with him. Now get out there and SKATE!  

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